This photo is of our apartment on Calle Sor Angela de la Cruz in Ronda, Spain. We are on the upper floor with the balcony. The door on the right opens into our kitchen, followed by the living room, spare bedroom, and the master bedroom.

29, agosto 2014

Another nice day, no make that a terrific day in Spain.  I haven´t seen this much sun since my days living in Australia, and that was 40 years ago.  We saw a post today on Facebook saying the prediction from the Farmer´s Almanac  is for a bitter, cold, and snowy winter in Vermont. Spain’s weather will be a welcome relief

So today I went to the Seguridad Social, Social Security, to register for national health insurance.  The gentleman, Alfonso, was very helpful and was very good with my Spanglish. So I qualify and so does Cindy, but the “Catch 22” is we have to get her identity card, NIE, and that will have to be done in Malaga, 60 km or so away, and we have to make an appointment first.  I also need proof of our income from pensions and documents need to be in Spanish which will  include both teacher retirement and Social Security. I’m not to worried about Social Security, since they have a representative in Madrid and Spanish is America’s second language.  Vermont probably doesn´t handle too many request like this so I mentioned I would pay for any translation, and with Norwich, UVM, and Middlebury in close proximity it can be done pretty easily.

I screwed up the transfer of our Prius to our daughter; signed the title in the wrong place and now we have to get a new title.  In light of this I recognize we need a printer/scanner.  I found a good HP one in one of the computer stores and will pick it up next Tuesday.  It’s impossible to escape technology.


Just a short observation about insects.  It’s currently 8:31 and we are sitting at the table with our technology.  We have large doors similar to French doors that are about 2.5 m high with no screens.  At night we open them to bring in cool fresh air and in the morning the same.  We have no insects flying in.  Occassionally one will stumble in, but very few.  The doors have been open since 4:30, couldn’t sleep, and zero bugs.