el 4 de agosto, 2017 Dos aniversarios Hoy!


When I started writing this it was August 4th.  I’ve gone back numerous times to add, delete, and generally fix, but for some reason WordPress is not letting me.  So, sorry, it is what it is. 

Today August 4th has some very special meaning for us.  In 1979 we were married in Barre Town at Cindy’s parent’s home and thirty-five years later we put three large suitcases, actually LL Bean very, very large soft luggage suitcases onto a Norwegian Airlines flight to Spain. Between those dates; two children, lots of teaching for both of us, and of course great reflections on our lives in our native state of Vermont.

So we’ve settled into our life here pretty well.  Language will always be a challenge, brain just can’t take twenty Spanish words in a nano-second and put them into English before the next twenty words follow. But it’s getting better, and having a younger brain wouldn’t hurt either.

On the fourth we went to Bodega San Francisco and met our friends Ed, Judi, and their daughter Catherine. It was only a short ten minute walk down the hill to the Plaza Ruedo Alameda, however it was 98º at 7:30.  

They setup outside in the Plaza across the street from the actual restaurant six days a week.  Like roadies in the Jackson Browne song, “set it up and tear it down….”, tables, chairs, unbrellas, tables with items they’ll need, napkins, knives, forks…. .  The food is prepared inside and they literally walk across the street, back and forth all day and night to serve customers. Camareros, waiters, work very hard.

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Google Earth of Plaza Ruedo Almeda

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The waiter in the middle of the picture is just a reference point, but the couple in front of him have their children. The evening was full of parents and their children, no babysitters here, they come with the parents, play in the plaza and could be here long after midnight.


This was taken at 11:15 when we left but they were still going strong in the plaza.