el 6, abril, 2017 Raul y Pam Hudson en España

Ralph and Pam at Alcazar in Sevilla
Finally they made it to Spain a trip they’d planned in 2015 but unfortunately Murphy’s Law interfered.  However, in the end the obstacles were overcome and they arrived in January.
Ralph a.k.a. Raul and I taught together for eleven years at BTEMS, he science and me history. He’s the guy all women want to marry; builds houses, wood, stone, or stucco, in Vermont (stone), Arizona (stucco), and New Hampshire (wood): plumber, electrician, computer guy, rides a BMW, fixes stuff,  and builds a travel van out of a new Fiat Ducato, there’s more but we have places to see.
We toured some of the same cities and sites that we did when Tom and Phyllis Wiggins were here last year, Sevilla, Cádiz, Ronda of course, a brief beach lunch in Málaga with Rafael and Kathy Fuentes, the parents-in-laws, and a new place for us, El Conjunto Arqueológico Dólmenes de Antequera.  Antequera is a little larger than Ronda, 40,000 vs. 35,000 and is located about 100 km to the northeast.  Its draws tourists to the UNESCO World Heritage Site Dólmenes de Menga.  These are megaliths constructed of huge rocks some weighing as much as 200 tons and  used to for burial sites, same purpose as the pyramids but nowhere close in size, more like a mounds, and these tombs date back to 3,000 B.C..  After construction they were covered with earth and later when opened in the 19th century the remains of hundreds of people were found. 
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